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How to tackle your biggest weakness

This issue were talking about one of the biggest weaknesses out there STRESS. Your stressed out just reading that word we can tell.

Stress is one of the leading causes of depression or anxiety so it’s important we all work together to help beat this, especially in the workplace. Did you know that in 2015-2016 11.7 million working days were lost due to stress?(

Below check out our ten ways how you can beat stress! 1. Speak to someone – friends, family or someone at work it doesn’t matter who, but know that there is always someone you can talk to about what’s going on in your life.

2. Take a holiday – even if it’s in your own hometown or home, book some holiday time off of work and fix your attention on a much-needed break.

3. Create a planner – knowing what you have to do and when is so helpful, especially if you can see it in front of you.

4. Listen to music – Music has the ability to be able to transport you, so use it. Put on your favourite songs and chill out, you’ll thank us later.

5. Leave your work at the place of work – when you go home for the night be it from work or university, make sure the work stays there. You can’t do as much from home so use that time to relax.

6. Exercise regularly – Yes it’s that dreaded word EXERCISE, trust us though it will help. Especially if you go to a good kick boxing class every now and again.

7. Sleep well – make sure you are getting a good amount of sleep each night, if not you will just drive yourself crazy.

8. Make your work space yours – Place images of people or places, which make you happy around you. When you feel the stress getting too much look around and remind yourself of all the great things and places in your life.

9. Focus on your breathing – silly we know but yoga is a thing for a reason apparently. Try and focus on breathing in and out whilst working on a task, which is too stressful for you, we guarantee it will calm you down.

10. Accept that you’re stressed – one of the main stages is acceptance, after you’ve accepted in some cases you move on and find the workflows. Give it a try it might surprise you. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

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