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Mum of two starts her own business

Asma is married with two children and used to work in the childcare industry before she decided to find a career within the beauty industry.

“I had experienced over five years in this sector and realised I was adamant to find a career that would express my creativity paired with a common addiction - makeup.

Years went by and the dream of having my own business was postponed to encourage my children to study, be well mannered and have good ethics. They have now grown up, the time has come for me to let go and trust the example I have set. In conclusion leading me to train up as a qualified Hair and Makeup Artist and begin to build up my portfolio and clientele.”

As a full time mum she found it very difficult to juggling all her duties and manage her business at the same time. However, she loves what she does and has “no regrets.”

“For people starting out my advice is go out of your comfort zone. Don't give up because of minor setbacks and follow your dreams. We can't sit and wait for things to fall into place. If I can do this anyone can.”

We asked Asma how she would describe herself and her business:

“If I had to describe myself I would say socialite, passionate and inventive. Three words to describe my business would be aspirational, educational and growth for myself, my business, clients and my children.”

To build her reputation within the industry she believes social media is the best tool therefore, she has created a page on Instagram called “Leicester_MUA” which now acts as a portfolio of her work.

“Everything I do is to teach my children good work ethics and to show them anything is possible if you work hard and enjoy what you do. "Think Big.”

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